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Fuel cells
The first Protonex fuel cells were designed for lightweight portable power applications. Their IP included one-shot silicone molding of the alternating carbon bipolar plate/gasketed proton exchange membrane stackups. This required careful preparation and custom hand-made molds. I worked to develop the process and fabricate/test units.

Gasketed membrane
Custom gasketed membranes were part of the fuel cell stack-up. This silicone would bond with the new silicone during full stack-up molding.

Test stand / safety cabinet
I designed and fabricated the original multi-station test stand and preliminary data acquisition setup. It had multiple flowmeters, solenoid valves to control gas flow, hydrogen sensors linked to automatic shutoff solenoid valves. Data acquisition was performed with LabView with some help from an outside consultant. When I returned to Protonex as a contractor, I built more advanced test stands with better data acquisition and control capabilities.
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